Month: June 2008

Highstep through the Haze: Scenes from Adulthood

So… let’s take a break from putting up my old childhood programs and return to the present. Man, is it smoky here in northern California. Yesterday, Anna, Lulu and I hiked on Mt. Diablo, marveling at the absence of other hikers and at our inability to see clearly from ridge to ridge because of the haze. Four hours of getting lost later, back at sea level, we heard the news advisory: stay off the mountain […]

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Bruise Advisory

My father had a little game he made up called “Pushy Bruise.” As you might have surmised, it went like this: he’d poke a finger sharply into your injury and gleefully shout, “Pushy-bruise, pushy-BRUISE!” This is Lulu playing it with me: And here is my latest little matched set of climbing artifacts: Not to be outdone, my sister sent me her latest masterpiece, achieved by tumbling over a baby gate with dishes in her arms: […]

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Private Dancers

I’m a little more embarrassed than usual about writing here because my old boyfriend, after voting in my photo poll, said he might come back and read some of my other posts. My beloved regular readers already know how vacuous I am, but he might not have noticed yet. Oh well. I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Speaking of loyal readers, Oleg visited from LA. He is quite adorable. He greeted Stella, […]

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