Month: March 2011

Doctor, Dear Doctor

“Here’s to you, doctor.” That’s what I heard on my radio as I drove home from work yesterday. Oh, shut up about doctors, I yelled at the speakers. But they didn’t listen. You wouldn’t believe what the syrup-voiced woman said next. “You fix broken bones. You mend broken hearts.” I shrieked. There is no doubt the ad was designed for the singular purpose of torturing me, and it was working. “All those 14-hour shifts, all […]

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Aqua Gal

When Emmy was just a baby, I was (thanks to Jason & Eleni) the one who gave her baths, as you’ll recall from October-ish/November-ish posts. Yesterday, for the first time in many weeks (on account of my move to Davis) it was time for her and me to take a bath once again. She took one look at the tub and started screaming. I mean screaming. I lifted her in anyway. But seeing her genuine […]

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National Character

I’m starting to get a lot of Facebook “friend” invitations that look like this: The only way I can find out who it is, is to accept the invitation. Then I get to see the Roman alphabet spelling. I read an interesting AP article about the typical Japanese response to their current disaster: …[S]urvivors search for missing loved ones, clean up their streets and wait patiently for gas — with regret, for sure, but hardly […]

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Natural Disaster

When I read Anna’s email this morning about the 8.9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan, I was stunned. It was the last day of classes for me at UC Davis. I had some language games planned. How can one worry about language-learning and games at a time like this, when people don’t know if friends and families are okay? A baby comes in handy. According to prior plan, Eleni & Emmy Amtraked up here […]

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