Category: The Daily Grind

Garden-variety musings

As the World Turns

Today the 30-something driver of the #18 Oakland-to-Richmond bus said affectionately, “Goodbye, Mom” when I disembarked. Yesterday the checkout clerk at Andronico’s — who had ten years on me, easy — was talking about some artifact from the late forties/early fifties, which happens to be before I was born. “Ahhh, the good old days, huh?” he sighed, nodding at me meaningfully, as though we shared a memory. What do people see when they look at […]

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The Week in Review

I want chocolate. Now. But I’m not allowed to have any for another month. How are you today? Did you have a good week? I didn’t, and am glad it’s over. Chocolate flake mint ice cream on a sugar cone would would be a fitting way to celebrate. First of all, I had a certain test scheduled which I’d been dreading on account of its requiring that I drink four liters of a certain foul […]

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