Month: July 2009

Trail of Tears

I got home from Boston a few hours ago. The logistics of this whole transformation are overwhelming enough, but the heartbreak I’ve started to feel at the goodbyes is hardest to manage. I was homesick in Vermont, and I’m even more homesick since I got home, in anticipation of the Real Thing that’s just around the corner now. A couple weeks ago I got to spend a lovely 24 hours with my friend M. As […]

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Atmospheric & Emotional Turmoil

After spending 48 hours in Vermont thunderstorms, I’ve recognized yet another corny metaphor for my emotional condition. As I lay curled into a tight ball around my pillow in my dismal motel room, wracked by full-blown terror (of my plans, of my brain), I noticed the similarities to the weather as its ferocity mounted, abated, and blasted in again. The weather has the advantage of not feeling all that stuff; I have the advantage of […]

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“Have you ever heard about winter in Vermont?”

This is the first question everyone asks me when I tell them I’m moving here. Today I heard another: “Did anyone tell you about spring mud in Vermont?” That was new to me. These considerations affect every aspect of my house-hunting while I’m here: How far away is the place from the school, are the roads plowed, how steep are the driveway and roads nearby, are heating costs included in the rental fee, is there […]

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