Category: Education

Report from the Urban Village by the Bay

After five months, the nerve damage from my implants-gone-wrong is still only about 50 percent better. The constant tingling, itching and lip weirdness drive me completely crazy. Several people have tossed out the idea of a lawsuit, but I can’t imagine doing that. Up in Chico, schools continue to be mask-resistant, which reinforces for Eleni and Jason the necessity of having sent Ember to school down here. Meanwhile, in his homeschool language curriculum Jesse learned […]

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I found another favorite mug that will go into hiding for a few months (also a present from my sister). It is lovely having Ember here, though her presence is a hard thing to document due to her aversion to being photographed. We walked down to her new school on Sunday to find her classroom, but the play yard was still locked up tight, though the sign said it wasn’t. On the way, we passed […]

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School Days

I was just talking with my dear old friend Lisa about our elementary-through-high school’s upcoming centennial celebration. She said the staff is collecting one-minute video memories from graduates about their time at THS. So far, those participating are those who have enjoyed great success (like a classmate I liked who now heads Pixar) or who are very old, like my mother’s 99-year-old friend. People who appreciate the school. It got me thinking about what I—a […]

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False Memories of You

I’ve been taking a MOOC called The Science of Everyday Thinking. I don’t remember what “MOOC” stands for, but the first letter is for “massive,” one of the O’s is “online,” and the C is “class.” So you get the idea. They’re free computer-based courses, this one offered by University of Queensland in Australia. The class is pretty interesting—at least, the parts I understand. Some parts are over my head, alas. One week’s topic was […]

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