Category: Covid

Notes from the Bog

I decided that if I ever write a book, which I won’t because I have absolutely nothing to say (as you’ve noticed), it would be a memoir, even though my life has been unremarkable. I would call it I’m Sorry. (I always name my stories before writing them, and have since I was little.) If there were a corpus of my speech patterns, “sorry” would surely emerge as my most frequently used word. I even […]

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A Losing Proposition

“How does your garden grow?” you might ask me. Well, the good news is that many flowers have finally appeared in my raised bed. Even some of the handful of remaining sunflowers are blooming. This tall fella was the first to sprout color. It took five days from initial glimpse of yellow till it fully opened. Here’s Day 4: Three others are likewise showing their stuff, but who knows how long they’ll stand. I guess […]

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Odds & Axes

I’ve never been a gambling man and I have zero interest in or aptitude for mathematics, but I find myself wondering about odds. Specifically, in relation to field trips. I’ve been pondering this: Out of a class of 32, how likely is it that you’ll end up with a kid with active Covid in your hermetically sealed car? What are the chances you’ll get sick if you do? Out of a class of 32, how […]

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A Waiting Game

The earthquake retrofit is pretty much done. Here’s the footprint of my house, with the green representing already reinforced parts, and the red the newly done stuff.  The back part of the basement, then and now: Up until a few days ago, my keyboard was acting up so that every keystroke lagged behind by almost a second, driving me insane. I test-typed a sentence to evaluate the situation so I could report details to Molly […]

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