Category: Artistic Creations

Homemade things

The Bright Side of Life

I feel petty writing about my own small life when so many are thrashing through profound hardship. The world is full of woe, with new horrors every day. Just among my closest friends there’s: Just realize that, though my site’s tagline is “It’s all about me,” I’ve never for a second believed that, and underlying my self-absorbed posts is profound sadness about the plights of others, and not just my own. But I’ll keep going […]

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The Die is Cast

I’ve heard it said that you shouldn’t own a bike if you don’t know how to repair it. Likewise, Small maintains that if you have nice silver, you should polish it yourself. Maybe the same principle applies to a blog: if you can’t fix it when the technology blows up, perhaps you’re not ready for the responsibility. This is not a hypothetical situation. Last week my blog’s back-end (that sounds rude) once again went kablooey […]

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Notes from the Bog

I decided that if I ever write a book, which I won’t because I have absolutely nothing to say (as you’ve noticed), it would be a memoir, even though my life has been unremarkable. I would call it I’m Sorry. (I always name my stories before writing them, and have since I was little.) If there were a corpus of my speech patterns, “sorry” would surely emerge as my most frequently used word. I even […]

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Fear of Steeking

Last week when I reached under the kitchen sink to grab a cleaning product, my unsuspecting hands sunk into a stinky, slimy lake. I have no idea how long there’s been a leak, but it’s a big one. Little by little I removed the dripping contents (amazing how much I’d crammed under there) and blasted the area with a fan for a few days. I’ve asked the contractor who’s doing my upcoming quake retrofit to […]

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