Category: Books & Movies

Things to read and watch

The Bright Side of Life

I feel petty writing about my own small life when so many are thrashing through profound hardship. The world is full of woe, with new horrors every day. Just among my closest friends there’s: Just realize that, though my site’s tagline is “It’s all about me,” I’ve never for a second believed that, and underlying my self-absorbed posts is profound sadness about the plights of others, and not just my own. But I’ll keep going […]

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What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Me

I’m not generally an aggressive person. I also have great respect for most of the creatures that roam this planet. [Digression #1: Sure, I could do without spiders, but I know that when they’re not frenetically waggling their legs at me in nightmarish ways they serve an important purpose.* I doubt the same could be said of mosquitos or meter maids. Oh, or personal injury lawyers. Also, most of the agents at DMV counters.] [*if […]

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This Is So Cool

Who would have dreamed that I could reach new pits of darkness at my advanced age? A gal like me doesn’t even need death or destruction to set her off. Just garden variety loss: of structure and direction. Of friendship. Of objectives. Of sense of belonging. Of strength. I just don’t have enough bootstraps. Or rocks. What Dad used to call “that characteristic Ginna resolve” is below empty, with no filling station still in business. […]

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[Un]Dead MAT Society

The MAT (master of arts in teaching) workload is intense and without respite. So for levity if not education, two professors planned a surprise activity. They had us reenact a pedagogical version of the Dead Poet’s Society. [flashvideo filename=wp-content/video/deadpoets.flv image=wp-content/video/deadpoets.jpg /] By the way, see the little garage thing in the background? It was the original (and only) classroom for this program when it began 41 years ago. Needless to say, they point to that […]

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