Month: December 2009

Universal Experience

Has this ever happened to you: You’re at a bar with a handful of friends and acquaintances. You have a long conversation with one of them about antique watches, Native American carved boxes, motion lamps… that old chestnut. And then halfway through the evening, when you’re talking to someone else, he interjects: —“Oh, wait: it’s you!” [What does “cut a rug” mean?]

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Life is But a Bunch of Bullet Points

The day before yesterday in class I got to be a pronoun. I was a mischievous and bad pronoun, running around to places that no decent pronoun should go. Yesterday it snowed big flakes but just for an hour or two. Yesterday in Kiswahili class we joined arms and practiced the Tanzanian national anthem. At 8:00 this morning I was almost late to class because of scraping ice off the car windows. I’m wearing long […]

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