Month: January 2012

Ode to Bun

Mom was at a church-lady meeting at the other day, where the biddies were discussing pros and cons of constructing a new holy building. At the end of much debate, a certain Mrs. R____ [not my mother this time], chimed in. “I say we should grab the bull by the balls and run with it.” No one made a peep in response to this Hemingway. When I talk with Emmy and Eleni on video chat, […]

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Not Really a Blog Posting

I don’t know where else to put my little observations of daily life. One day I’ll write a book and I’ll need these tiny details, for a touch of veracity. This blog is no longer intended for readers. However, if you do read, you should leave feedback. It’s just not right for me to do all the work. Where’s the satisfaction in that? I suppose I could lock everyone out, but we’ll see. I got […]

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Poco a Poco

Wide aisles of organic food. Slick ribbons of nighttime freeway streaked with lights of fast, silent vehicles. Tooth-brushing right from the faucet. Cold erased by the flip of a switch. Toilets that welcome paper. Re-entry is jarring. It ties my sharpened awareness of the hard life I don’t have, to a reminder of the things I take for granted. At SFO, I nearly greeted the buzz-topped blonde dude at migraciĆ³n [Customs] with a buenas noches […]

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Body: My large stomach and I are leaving Guatemala tomorrow. Mercedes came over and gave me a foot massage as a goodbye present. She also gave me candles and a little pouch with magic stuff in it. Then she did a little Maya-influenced ritual to ensure safe travels for Maria and me. Sadly for my pocketbook, she brought more pocketbooks to sell. I bought all but the one Maria bought. I’ll tell you right now: […]

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