Month: February 2012

Oneself & Others

Eleni and Emmy spent the night last night. This morning Eleni told me about a dream she’d had, in which “a man self-immolated a woman.” She acknowledged the oxymoronic nature of the statement, and then we went on to elaborate on the idea: He doesn’t give me any self-respect. He self-motivates me. She wrote an autobiography about him. She painted a self-portrait of him. She killed him by auto-asphyxiation. He’s self-conscious of her. She doesn’t […]

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Rattus Rattus on the Run

I put the rats in the bathtub (or the bats in the wrathtub) while I cleaned their cage. I thought it was a brilliant way to keep track of them. Are you aware that rats scale bathtub walls as though they’re Green Beret boot camp trainees? Pencil perched demurely on the rim waiting for me, while Toenail went on walkabout. I made my way through the house calling, Toenail! Toenail! but I didn’t hear a […]

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