It’s All About Me, Part 926: Five Portraits

Hard to believe it’s the 32nd anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake.

The quake’s aftermath (South of Market, SF) and my two unhappy kids

As a result of Molly’s help, I received a disc with the CT scan that Kaiser did of my bean. I downloaded the recommended software but after 1.5 hours I still couldn’t get the damned things to load properly. I did, however, manage to capture a handful of screen grabs when an image suddenly materialized before the program froze again. Here are four:

I’m kind of confused: why are only parts of my teeth illuminated? And why, below the gum line, is the implant on the left and the the root canal [I first typo’d “toot canal,” which is disgusting] also white? Alas, some things I was never meant to know.

Those two gaps will remain until after my nerve eventually heals (if it does). In the meantime, chewing over there is out of the question: two missing teeth flanked by two precariously attached temporary crowns.

Man, do I have a pointy chin. I knew that, but really: this is awful. You’re well aware that one of my father’s nicknames for me was “Wormlips”—hence this blog’s title and URL. But there was one other appellation for me that he coined in fun, which this photo clearly illustrates: “Needle Chin.” (Thanks, Dad.) Here’s his portrait of me from oh so many years ago. Of course I framed it.

Let’s get back to my skull likenesses. This is the final one I’ll show you. In my last couple posts I’ve detailed some of the brainless things I’ve done in recent days. This picture explains why.

No grey matter in that grey area! Actually, I’m curious about why there’s not even a shadow of brain in any of the images I saw that were viewed from above. There’s the soft tissue—ears, nose, cheeks—but a vast nothingness inside my head.

It’s no surprise that my second Covid test came out negative as well. That frees me to head for Chico the day after tomorrow. I’ll arrive bearing pumpkins for us to paint for Halloween. Happy trails to me.


  1. You are hilarious! But I feel awful for all the pain you are going through.
    Have a great visit in Chico!

  2. Your BRAIN (if invisible) is great — your fangs – not so much!
    And your chin does NOT look like that. A trick of the camera.. It’s a beautiful chin.
    Your sainted Papa would never has teased you if he had really thought your chin / lips were unusual!. But you are a sensitive child, and took him seriously!

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