Aaaand she’s back…

Well, hello there. It’s me again. Hi. Just two items before I attempt to travel eastward tomorrow.

First Item: The photo below illustrates the story, but you might need this key for context:

Backyard Squirrel Activity Today: 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m.

#1: In getting ready to leave town I’ve been washing things, among them my new plastic compost bucket and lid, which I put out, sparkling clean, onto my back porch to dry. Not long after, I found the entire perimeter of the lid scored by a hundred gouges from sword-sharp fangs. Why?

#2: Here the rodents have carried one of my peach-lets from tree to top of fence where, in this case, they deigned to give it a sampling before deciding to abandon the rest. Why?

#3: Who knew that flowerpots were edible? Now when I water my aloe all the liquid drains out the side before it can sink in. Why?

Second Item: Long before dawn this morning I was awoken by a series of firecracker blasts nearby. That’s customary during holidays around here, especially July 4th. But these continued, regular as clockwork as though following a timed script like a professional fireworks show. When I dragged my groggy self to the back porch, I was surprised at how elaborate the pyrotechnics were (my photos don’t capture it), with multicolored bursts high into the sky, one after another. NextDoor doesn’t know where they were set off or who did it, but these were fancy explosives and the people at the fuses were no amateurs, though their performance was obviously unsanctioned since it was bloody 1:50 a.m.

A final thought before I go: I’ve been thinking more about how Republican politicians’ fear of Trump’s reprisals is a primary reason most won’t condemn him outright. We knew that, but it’s been in the news more lately, probably since it’s become clear that this threatens the honesty and integrity of any remaining January 6 testimony. I hadn’t realized how much he controls his underworld like a Mafia don. Oppose him (or tell the truth about him) and his people will destroy you. 

Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll leave you with a picture of a button that my friend Ellen D. gave me pre-pandemic when we bumped into each other on the street. It is more important now than ever. (Thanks, Ellen!)


  1. Why?? BECAUSE PURE EVIL THAT’S WHY… Also I wonder if something is happening with their ecosystem that’s making them wonky? Also also I think you should work on infiltrating their society and training them for mass attacks on cheetoface?

  2. Small: Yes, it was actually very pretty!

    Turkeybutt: You above all others know my painful history with squirrels, so you understand. Oooh, I love the Cheeto-Face idea. If, in full protective gear, I could get near his hideous lump of toxic humanity just long enough to anoint his ugly smug mug with an essence distilled from my peach tree, lemons, and various flowers from my garden—THEN the squirrels will chomp his vomit-inducing face, for sure.

  3. I am so very sorry that the evil squirrels, may they die slowly and painfully, have attacked your lovely garden and peach tree. My friend Stephanie continues provide the Little Yellow Buttons, and anyone who wants some can check out or email her at (She’s traveling now, so may not respond immediately.)

    I hope your travels beat the odds and go smoothly. Have a great East Coast time!

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