Category: Technology

Chats, blogs & virtual worlds

Free Advice for You

Molly told me there’s a new OS for my mobile devices and that I might consider updating my phone and iPad. She’s my technology guru, so I always follow her lead. After I did it, I had to reset Siri on my iPad (by saying “Hello, Siri” five times). My iPhone, however, didn’t prompt me to do likewise, so I wondered if Siri were still functioning. To find out, I asked my phone, ”Hey Siri, […]

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To the Mountains and Back

How do I get my iPad to stop barking whenever I receive a phone call? Why does it bark instead of, say, whine? Why does it make a peep at all when I can’t answer the call via the iPad anyway? It really is very annoying, and mysterious. Eleni made a classic remark the other day: “I’m good at organizing. It’s just a matter of following through.” It’s good to know yourself. Speaking of knowing […]

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Boys Will Be Boys

Google Chat has a new (to me) feature: you can dress yourself up digitally while you’re talking. You can even relocate yourself. Molly and I played with same last night: I got unexpected news last night: I’m going to have a grandson. I knew that come November, a grand-something was scheduled to appear, but I was absolutely certain it was of the female variety—just as certain as I was that Molly and Eleni were boys. […]

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I think I’m going to retire, and least for now. I’m boring myself. That wasn’t a problem when I was the only one reading this, but now that my readership has climbed into the low double-digits, it’s no longer All About Me. Writing a blog has been many good things for me. Most of all, it’s kept me alert. It’s easy to take for granted the non-events of day-to-day life. But when you decide […]

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