Tag: lulu

Greystone Cartel

Lulu was home for a few hours on Sunday but she didn’t have much time to hang out because of an obligation at 5:30 sharp. She had an instance. What’s an “instance”? you might ask. I have no idea, but it has something to do with killing monsters. For an hour she hammered frantically at the computer keyboard while strange sounds emanated from the speakers. I ignored World of Warcrafts’s electronic growls and zaps, but […]

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Spider Wars

From a distance I thought the blob on the wall by the icebox was a spider. “Lulu! Come here QUICKLY!” Lulu strolled in several minutes later. Investigating what I was pointing at, she saw only opportunity. She rolled up a newspaper and let out a squeal as she swatted at the spot. Which of course was only a chip in the paint and not a spider at all. As if she hadn’t done enough damage […]

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Down in the Valley

Today I drove the hour-and-a-half into the big valley to Lulu’s dorm to pick up the cacti and dirty laundry that are coming home for Christmas break. When I arrived, the building was spitting out a stream of young people as alarms blared and corridor lights flashed. The exiting kids looked at me funny as I marched on in. They don’t yet know that no one can stop a mother in search her child or […]

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Doctors & Religion

The instant-messages that fly between Lulu and me are always scintillating and, as you can see, sometimes even touching: Yo-Nenny — I keep telling you: if you want me to write about you too, you have to come over so I have something to say. Okay? Honestly: daughters! I spoke with one of my doctors today. Not my new foot guy from England or my old foot guy whom I miss. Not the eccentric surgeon […]

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