Tag: politics

Too Many Viruses

Sorry to do this to you, but there’s just too much amazing political stuff whizzing around out there for me to let it all fade into my memory. There’s the exceptional Don’t Vote video that Lulu forwarded me (which Sarah Silverman hopes will go viral, “rampant… like herpes— but for… positive”) and another that Lulu found at boingboing.net about Palin’s brain: Here’s one my second exhusband scooped me on. Matt Groening just gets more brilliant, […]

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My Fellow Delawarian

I am aflutter over the performance of the senator from my native state tonight. I don’t know how he managed to keep his composure when debating (if you can call it that) that rabid airhead — though his mic did catch a couple of deep sighs when Palin waxed particularly inane. I mean, really: There is only one man in this race who has really ever fought for you, and that’s Senator John McCain. A […]

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A Message from Ralph Stanley

Michael just sent me a link to the most amazing audio: a word of wisdom from Doctor Ralph. You must check it out. I’m still trying to reattach my jaw to the rest of my face. It gives me hope, which, as we all know if we listen to campaign slogans, is what it’s all about. Thank you, Michael! White House photo by Paul Morse; from http://drralphstanley.com (Wanna join the Ralph Stanley fan club now?)

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