Las Estudiantes

I don’t feel well today. Too many gumdrops?

Wouldn’t you think that after a week in Antigua I’d stop getting lost?

Today was our first day of Spanish school. Our house is due south of the school so I’m not sure why we started walking west but we did, ominously passing the cemetery and then getting lost among the vegetables in the mercado. When we arrived several blocks north of the school, we paused to reconnoiter, and then headed further north toward La Merced. I asked directions several times but didn’t understand the answers.

Like a pair of anacondas we made ever-tightening circles around the school until, finally, we immobilized it. When you consider it’s normally a 10-minute walk to the school, you have to be at least a little impressed that we made it in a mere 45 minutes.

Here’s some of the stuff we passed. First, this is our street. Can you guess which of those two words is its name?

Two blocks away is this cool ruina.

We found pigs on Calzada de Santa Lucia and a horse near La Merced.

And here’s our Spanish school.

In class I learned that I’m in Grado A (the baby-talk level), a fact that pleased my Grado B daughter. My teacher and I experimented for a while with el tiempo pasado of llegar and llevar, and then we fué-d to Antigua’s mercado where I comprar-ed some presents for myself.

After school we did errands and explored Antigua, once again encountering our Chicago friends we’d discovered at Lago de Atitlí¡n. Sadly, this turned out to be the last time we saw them.