Month: December 2007

Drako the Dragon

I’m turning into a crabby old lady like my third-grade teacher, Drako the Dragon, who was a doughy mass of white except for dark, dark eye bags. Lately I look like her, eyewise. I’ll tell you about her later, if you ask. I don’t know why she was so nasty, but I know one thing that always sets me off: when I have to spend a bunch of time on the phone following up on […]

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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

I just had an extremely scary realization. Ever since there was an Internet I’ve sought approbation from strangers on it. I don’t know why. I didn’t even know I was doing it. But there you have it: the hideous truth. I’m pretty sure it all started on eBay, where each day I’d watch my positive feedback numbers climb. I’ll never forget the first praise I received. And I’ll never forget the night my tally rolled […]

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Agua Blanca en Costa Rica

Iron supplements are sure hard on a gal’s system, it seems. I’ve had to stay close to bed the last two days. Boring and frustrating. Whatever, so long as I’m back to my glorious self in two weeks when I leave for Guatemala. When I first told Yo-Nenny about my idea for this trip she said, “It’s good you’re doing some of these things in your twilight years.” My current plan is to hang out […]

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