Month: January 2008

Day Tours, Night Tours

I woke up to wait for my wake-up call, but it never came. The guidebooks are right about Costa Rican food: rice and beans todo el tiempo. To quote Utah Phillips: good, though. It’s hard to practice Spanish here. In Guatemala they patiently let you bumble along (even though, more often than not, they speak much better English than you do Spanish). Here, most people segue into English within the first couple sentences. My taxi […]

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Careening Toward Costa Rica

I packed and unpacked and packed and unpacked and packed my backpack in anxious preparation for my jungle trek. In a brief online chat just before I left, Lulu said farewell with a request: “Don’t die.” I can no longer deny the truth: I’m completely scatterbrained, and I’m getting worse. No matter how hard I try to hold onto the Reins of Life, they slide through my fingers and fall off the neck of the […]

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The Haunted Café

It’s very cold here each morning and there’s no heat, so people bundle up early and shed in the usually hot afternoons. I saw little of photographic interest during my miles of walking. In fact, it’s kind of restful to have been here long enough that I’m not quite so visually and mentally over-stimulated all the time. Days are more prosaic, with grocery shopping and laundry high on my list. Along a hundred-foot adobe wall […]

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Today I made three phone calls entirely in Spanish, visited one English-free indigenous home and went to one Spanish-only birthday party. Would you like to hear all about it? Great. Thanks. I took a huge leap and decided to stay here another week. After I get back from Costa Rica I hope to move to a house with Internet access so I can work a few hours a day. After changing my plane ticket, the […]

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