Day: January 7, 2008

Silky Anteaters

Remember a few days ago I told you I might get to see a silky anteater in Costa Rica? Well, my new friend Oleg, a very funny person who can’t be older than about 15 (though he already has a girlfriend), has just composed an anteater ode that is truly magnificent. While indisputably a poem — that dreaded literary form that brings sweat to my furrowed brow — it is a good one. He even […]

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Bad Manners

My mother didn’t raise me up to be so rude. Scornfully examining a friend’s rather scraggly Christmas tree tonight, I asked, “Is that—” “Yes, it’s fake.” “Boy, if *I* were fake, I’d sure look better than that.” This is how I reward someone for a delicious dinner and great company. Esmeralda moved in this morning. Here’s how her room looked before I left to take Lulu back to college. Esmeralda’s and Lulu’s farewell embrace… After […]

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