My Daughter’s Tattoos: An Introduction

I’m not sure it was such a good idea to add a tag cloud to this blog. Since that moment, my daughters (known by Yo-Nenny and Lulu here) have been tracking it as though it’s a tropical storm.

Lulu, 18, lived with me till she went to college two months ago. Yo-Nenny moved out when she was 13, so it’s been 15 years since our paths have crossed on an everyday basis. This puts her at a distinct disadvantage for representation on a blog that’s concerned largely with mundane aspects of day-to-day life.

As I went through and tagged my old posts — the trip to Guatemala, river rafting on the Rogue — Lulu’s cloud name ballooned. Yo-Nenny’s remained a teeny speck.

And all the while, the girls were lurking.

The phone rang. Why is Lulu’s name so much bigger than mine?

Lulu’s iChat icon popped up: Here’s a list of the posts that you need to tag with my name.

The phone rang again: When are you going to write something about me?

A new Tattoos category is my inspired solution to this inequity: an oral history tour through Yo-Nenny’s tattoo history.