Personal Ads

Today has been Bake-a-Tape Day. I bought and tested two convection ovens and a fruit dryer. The former will go back to the store because they cook too hot, but the dehydrator seems to be doing the trick, albeit erratically. (I need to find one with a fan.) I successfully baked away the sticky shed syndrome from two of three tapes. (The third is still screeching and dragging, so it’s back in the cooker.)

I am so excited—I haven’t heard these programs for twenty-five years and thought I might never hear them again. And you know something? I was pretty funny back then. I never realized that till now.

You know something else? Listening to this stuff has begun to illuminate how essential it is that I get back to doing creative stuff for work. I spent today researching grants for the project I want to do. Sadly, all I found were brick walls.

Anyway, here’s a newly baked piece. It’s about personal ads, a fairly unaccepted social phenomenon at the time (around ’83). Little did we know what lay around the corner with the vast and lucrative online dating industry. This program still cracks me up, and I can still quote from memory the poem that you’ll hear:

Whatever space is your location, what is important is communication..

(This was before four-tracks, so the mixes are a little funky.)

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