Dishwater Dull

This is the world’s most boring post. Please, please don’t read it, I beg of you. There’s no use.

I just got back from LA. I missed Oleggy when I was at the Archives. I hear he’s about to graduate. Hooray!

On my flight south I was sitting next to a man who worked for the State in a high-level position in the Corrections Division. He’d just been meeting with the Guv, who is very pissed that his budget propositions were rejected by the voters yesterday, and who now plans to save money by releasing prisoners early. Oh, brilliant.

In the cab from the airport to my hotel, I forgot that I know how to speak English. I silently handed the driver a slip of paper with my destination address, and when he asked for details, I pointed at the map. When that didn’t suffice, I surprised myself by bursting forth with native fluency. I’d forgotten I wasn’t in Nepal, which is the last place I rode in cabs.

I designed a little flyer for Brian last night. It’s about the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender events he’s working on. Would you like to see a PDF of it?

On the flight back I sat next to a couple from Fiji. Now I want to go there.

I’m home now. It is foggy and cold. The house is lonely and quiet. My birthday is next weekend and I’m starting to feel very sorry for myself.

Here is a picture from LA. Like this post, it is toxically boring.


  1. Nobody told me you were in LA. Why didn’t nobody told me?

    p.s. – that flyer is sooooooooooo gay.

  2. Eat your heart out! You’re jealous of my stunning, tasteful design capabilities! Neener neener neener.

    And next time you should be able to DIVINE when I’m in town.

  3. Hey! I suspect a conspiracy akin to oh, I dunno, sumpin major, man! I composed a pithy comment yesterday morning after laughing at your blogpost warning and chastising you about your ennui-ish attitude. And I check this morning and it’s not there! Poof went my ideas and inspiration! Could it be that I was lured to think it made it past the “type the two words” filter, typed the wrong words, and then got re-routed to nethersphere?

    I wanted you to know that you need to stop getting all weird about birthdays and the consequent side-effect of the aging thang. And don’t EVEN pout about years on the planet when you have some still purty active/vibrant/edgy folks that count themselves as friends and associates with many more miles on their tred…AND I wanted to pass on some JB words a wisdom; 1. What makes you think you’re so special? and 2. Don’t believe everything you think. Both come in handy more often that you know….Here’s hoping I make it past Brunhilda the comment screener this time!

  4. Dear Syd,

    I apologize for my blog’s Nixonian destruction of your comment. That is so frustrating. I wonder why it happened. You can tell when you’ve made it through the filter because the page reloads and your comment magically appears above the text box. Did that happen? Anyhow thank you for biting the bullet and composing an entirely new — and most appreciated — letter.

    I accidentally slept till ELEVEN this morning and now I’m rushing because I’m late for everything.


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