Day: March 24, 2020

Day 8, Part Two: On Spam

With all this time on my (well-washed) hands, I decided I should poke around the dark and dangerous realm of my blog’s innards: see what’s there, make improvements, clean things up. Hah. I got totally lost, and in an attempt to make things right I ended up buying a $39 software plug-in that I may not need, and now its installation has caused a technical traffic jam that has required me to spend several hours […]

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The Shut-In Times: Day 8

Nice sunset off my back porch last night: Shortly afterwards, at 8:00, about 15 of my neighbors gathered in the dark street for some distance-socializing. We couldn’t really see each other, but still it was fun. We’re doing it again tonight, but earlier. Here are Guy and Janie emerging from their house: Also last night, my housemate Elana did a magnificent imaginary bug: It’s been troubling to see the Covid-19 numbers climbing exponentially, especially in […]

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