Day 47: Funnel Cake

HO-ly cow. I just caught sight of my midsection in the mirror. My waistline, or where it used to be, bulges and ripples from rib cage to hip as though squeezed from a toothpaste tube. I’ve been well aware that my pants have been tighter and the bathroom scale reading ten pounds heavier. But until today I never got a good look at myself. And now I can’t un-see. I’m like a sloppily stuffed sausage. At the West Virginia State Fair years ago I remember marveling at a guy in the funnel cake line whose gut was shaped rather as mine is now. l can’t even figure out why this is happening. I’m eating well but not too much. Right? Like, the day before yesterday [I don’t remember yesterday], all I had was yogurt, a sandwich, and spaghetti for dinner. Oh: there were a few extras, like bacon and peanut butter crackers and bubbly. And most of a bag of potato chips, half a dark chocolate bar with almonds, a bowl of chocolate mint ice cream… eek. For now, I think the obvious solution is to avoid reflective surfaces.

I tried and tried to take squirrel pictures today but the beasts were few and far between, and when they did appear, all I got were blurs. Being a squirrel photographer is harder than you think. For half an hour I sat in the back yard reading a Kindle book (Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed) with my camera ready in my lap, just waiting for rodent action. (What have I come to!) But it seems they’re more active on sunny days than foggy ones like today.

I guess this post will be as short as my day was long, and just as empty. What a hard day it has been, for its dullness. I read a meme on Facebook about how nice it would be to be able to social-distance from one’s own self. The only thing I accomplished all day, and that wasn’t till well after noon, was brushing my remaining 22 teeth. (I had nothing to do, so I counted.) I devoutly hope you all had a more fulfilling day than I did.


  1. well, you can call me, though i’m not a phone person. but in a pinch, count on me. i’m good to rant and rave with. especially today when our mayor leads the charge with right wing conspiracy theories and basically calling for a mask boycott. long story.

  2. Eleni: Way!

    Marianna: Thank you! And that mayor sounds almost as bad as the prez. Idiots.

    Small: You must be patient, as must I. Batch 4 of 4 of the puzzle pieces is yet to appear in the U.S. Mail.

  3. You weighed only twelve pounds before this whole quarantine, so I say that the extra weight is right and proper and good.

    As I have suggested before, we ought to do a tiny cardio workout together! I hate it very much, but I should hate it slightly less alongside you.

    Puzzle batch 4 *ought* to arrive on Monday.

  4. I don’t WANT to do a cardio workout. I like sitting around on my fat cellulitic butt, thank you very much. But I *am* looking forward to my final puzzle pieces. It has been an exercise in patience, waiting for discovery and revelation.

  5. Oh darn I guess I was wrong about squirrelies in the backyard all the time – sorry!

    You are beauty-full, stuffed sausage or no. I know! You should walk down the back stairs more often to say hi. Not only shall thou have buns of steel, thou shall also have more chances to see me make a fool of myself.


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