Category: Quotations, Malapropisms & More

A gathering of words

To the Mountains and Back

How do I get my iPad to stop barking whenever I receive a phone call? Why does it bark instead of, say, whine? Why does it make a peep at all when I can’t answer the call via the iPad anyway? It really is very annoying, and mysterious. Eleni made a classic remark the other day: “I’m good at organizing. It’s just a matter of following through.” It’s good to know yourself. Speaking of knowing […]

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That Nose Has Sailed

I should have been updating my collection of odd quotations and malapropisms. Here are a few: Today, Katie wrote to me and quoted her conversation with Peter: “That train has sailed, I’m afraid,” she told him. This from Cheryl a couple years ago: “You don’t want to bite your nose to spite your face.” I have a couple quotations from Molly when she was an irritable teenager. While we were stopped at a red light, […]

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How To…

How To Go on a Date by M. Zhang If you want to have a good date, these idea might help you. First, call her to ask a date with you. You should call her and ask, “Do you have time this week?” and wait for her answer. Second, choose a fancy restaurant. For example, if the girl is Korean, you should search a Korean restaurant. Maybe the girl think you are nice guy. Then, […]

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