
Lauren, the woman who coordinates volunteers at Refugee Transitions, visited Slovenia recently and said it’s a beautiful place that is only now being discovered by American tourists. This post is my reminder to visit it one day, after Madagascar and Peru and a few other places.

Today my next-door neighbor, Guy, took me to the imported-craft store on the corner, where he told me to pick out something. It was his payment for my building his Web site. I chose a pair of silver earrings and a little wooden creature, the sight of which made me guffaw.

ear creature

Shortly thereafter, my new tenants, along with several thousand of their friends, arrived to move their stuff in. Unless I’m profoundly mistaken, “the girls” are delightful people who will enjoy living here and take good care of the place.


One comment

  1. Those people in the picture are terrifying! So many teeth! They look like they want to eat you. Be careful. Proceed with caution. Never trust anyone who wants to show you all of his teeth at the first confrontation. Did they present their rear quarters to you? If so, while looking away from you? Never directly at you? This does not look right to me. What does Stella think? Trust her judgment.

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