Month: August 2009

Movie Night

Last night I stayed with Lulu again and she forced me to watch to movies. I hate watching movies. Still, she knows my taste and always has good recommendations (except for Big Fish, which she insisted I watch right after Dad died. Bad.) The first was But I’m a Cheerleader, a surrealistic and amusing love story about a girl who gets sent to a camp to learn to stop being a lesbian. The second, Wristcutters, […]

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Every day a new goodbye, or an opportunity for a goodbye missed. Spirits flagging, doubts rising. Because of technology, I can see what some of my soon-to-be classmates look like. Some have even “friended” me on Facebook; when I get the notification I think, “Oh, just leave me alone.” And then I get mad at myself. Why am I not reveling in this experience the way these younguns seem to? On an SIT-related forum, one […]

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Fade Away

Yesterday I threw my farewell party for myself. It was surrealistic: not because there were all these people I love sitting in the same room, but because when they faded away, that was my cue to vanish into some new life. The party itself was easy. It all seemed scripted: laugh at stuff, bound around talking to people, say goodbye “mwah, mwah, mwah”, clean up, go to sleep. But today is different. Everyone’s gone for […]

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Antique Mirrors, Nepali Kayers & Dead Dogs

The old mirror that my father left me will be at auction on August 23. I was hoping it was worth $10,000 or something (well, it happens on TV, right?) but if I get $1,000 I’ll be lucky. I talked to the coordinator of the organization I’ve been volunteering for (Refugee Transitions). She’s an inspiring and accomplished young woman who is working on her MFA in creative writing. Now I want to do that, too. […]

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