Spiders Are Wonderful

I gave my intermediate students an assignment to write about a scary moment in their lives. One wrote about the earthquake in Japan. A young woman from China wrote about being chased by a ferocious dog. The Korean boy wrote about seeing his two friends get into a bike accident, during which one kid lost his arm and another was blinded. And then there was this, about an unpleasant ride at an amusement park:

When we came out from the big dipper, I spitted out everything I ate in the morning.

As for me, I’m still thinking about that infant tarantula (a mere 2″) that we saw in the lobby recently. I watch for it every time I walk through. And last week a baby rattlesnake was spotted outside the cafeteria. The concept of “baby” generally conjures images of innocence and purity, but not always. Speaking of which, Molly sent me a link to an online book, which I adore. It took me a few minutes to figure out the real genre.

I am so relieved that someone returned my missing computer. I was in big trouble without it, and also hysterical.

When I get back from work on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have to unpack and repack before bedtime. It’s not fun. Often I have to bring my anteater to keep me company in the motel. KT gave him to me, as you may recall, to help with an ant problem I had at my house a couple years ago.

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