Day 36: Dogless in Albany

Squirrels are taking over the universe. Sometimes there are three or four at once chasing each other around my tiny backyard. Yesterday several of them leapt into my little peach tree and proceeded to eat all the blossoms off. Five minutes ago I heard a scuffle on my porch over there, five feet behind me. A pair of the devils was tussling right on the other side of the screen door, which had popped slightly ajar. At least they didn’t come in. I suspect they’d been thinking about it, because when I threw the screen open to shoo them away, the fearless little buggers put their hands on their hips, dug their heels in and refused to budge from my threshold. I had to stomp and wave my arms a bit. I’ll bet if I had a dog, these glorified rats wouldn’t be such a problem. In the meantime, I’ve learned my lesson: I’ll make sure my door is secured.

Speaking of not having a dog, last night I sat down with my sketchbook and the final photo in my To Draw folder. This here is supposed to be a doberman. Now I’ve run of subjects, so I’m double-dogless.

Coincidentally, my dear friend Syd just thought to send me photos of her daughter’s pup, Ashi, in case I wanted to try my hand at another rendering. Great timing. Plus, I know and love Ashi, a sweet, long-nosed, bat-eared hound. Unfortunately, once again the prospect of making something look like something got me all tied up inside, and the result frustrated me beyond measure—even though Syd had assured me that an exact likeness is not the point. This was my second effort, which is only two inches wide.

Unhappy with my creation, I tried one more time, working bigger this time.

Now I really am out of dogs to draw. And I ran out of stuff to write about a long time ago. What will I do?


  1. You did it! Third time, charming and (even according to Jesse) you captured this beloved pooch’s personality. Winsome and earnest, just waiting to be hugged. Thank you, dear one. So much damn talent in your eyes and hands. You slay me!

  2. Small: Thank you so much for commenting on the dog pix. I super-appreciate it because I work hard on them, and I toss them out there for all the world to see, and so it’s great to get feedback, particularly positive.

    Sydney: Thanks for leaving a comment. I am SO EXCITED that you like the third attempt. I was surprised at how hard it was, because Ashi is a such an individual. I went through “nose too short” [erase], “nose too long” [erase]; ears too big, ears too little, snout too narrow, snout too wide… I’m just tickled you think it begins to capture a little of Ashi. Finally, I will resist the nearly overpowering desire to dismiss what you say about talent. This nonbeliever will just keep quiet and revel in the praise. Even though— [Nope, SHHHHH, Ginna.]

  3. Genevieve: No, thank you. I don’t do cats. But I’d love to see *your* cat drawing.

    Eleni: THANK you so much!!!

  4. I’m glad the squirrels have provided you with yet more evidence for your pro-dog list!

    I think that Doberman is another of your most excellent drawings. It came out very well!

  5. I agree with Molly- we clearly need a dog here to chase away these ruffians! Yesterday I was sitting at the table in the backyard and a couple of them hung out right next to me- like a foot and a half away- munching on stuff and peering up at me! I happen to think they’re cute (*gasp! I know) but I’d much prefer a doggo to squirrels 😉

    Ashi is soooo good! What a sweet face.

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