Category: Artistic Creations

Homemade things

Day 25: Mrs. Esdale

Last night I took my medicine, brushed my teeth and tucked into bed, trying without success to get comfortable. I felt something rigid cutting into my face as I snuggled into the pillow. After several seconds I realized that, lying there in the dark, I was still wearing my glasses. And that reminded me of Mrs. Esdale. She was a middle-aged English woman who did light housekeeping for Grannie in the 1960s. She fascinated me […]

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Day 24: Five Steps

Today’s post includes my second dog-drawing attempt of the day. The first bombed even worse than this one. I keep trying to learn to see better: to notice the negative spaces as well as the positive, and geometric shapes, and relationships and angles. But it doesn’t come remotely naturally to me. Here’s what I’ve been doing lately: You wouldn’t believe what a stretch it is for me to stick these things up here for you […]

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Day 23: Nuthin’ but a Hound Dog

Ma (a.k.a. Small) remarked that my drawn dogs are pretty much absent of fur, and she wondered if I could fuzz them up a bit. A reasonable request from someone who sent me to art school. However, I told her I don’t have that much talent (which is why I was a photography major) and immediately proved my point. Plus, it’s awful hard for someone like me to do a dog head-on. On my way […]

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Day 21: More Technical Trials

Once again I spent a heap of time (two-and-a-quarter hours) on chats with three different tech support people this morning. As a result, my blog completely blew up, and when the guy tried to fix it, it blew up worse, until finally I asked him to revert it to its state before he touched it. To my horror, he said he couldn’t. I persisted, though, and here we are again: slow but at least visible […]

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