Day 24: Five Steps

Today’s post includes my second dog-drawing attempt of the day. The first bombed even worse than this one. I keep trying to learn to see better: to notice the negative spaces as well as the positive, and geometric shapes, and relationships and angles. But it doesn’t come remotely naturally to me. Here’s what I’ve been doing lately:

Step 1: Find a photo.
Step 2: Do a quick pencil sketch.
Step 3: Ink it in.
Step 4: Glob color onto it.
Step 5: Swallow trepidation and upload it.

You wouldn’t believe what a stretch it is for me to stick these things up here for you to see, because they’re never as good as I want them to be. I see a million things I got wrong. It’s hard being a perfectionist with an amateur’s skills.

Molly sent me this meme yesterday. It made me feel a little better about being withdrawn and “hypoactive.”

I’ve been waiting all day for my package to arrive from Marianna in Nevada City. Mail always comes late here, sometimes even after my bedtime. But today it got here at 5:00. I eagerly tore open the envelope and found it contained not one but two fabulous creations, along with two lengths of elastic to finish them off to my size.

And on Facebook Marianna put up a photo of these cool gadgets for people like me with floppy ears. You place the knitted strip behind your head and loop an elastic strap around each button.

I made two different sizes. They really do work to keep things more snug and to keep the mask from shooting off the front of your face without warning.

Time for the PBS NewsHour, which I won’t be able to watch if there’s too much Trump. I just can’t. When I see him, I have a strong physiological reaction: an involuntary whole-body shudder, head to toe. And I start shouting at the TV.


  1. Wow your doggie turned out so lovely! Thank you for continuing to reach and share. I’ve seen that trauma blurb and it’s quite validating thanks miz molly. 😀 Only problem with those super cute masks is they cover up your super cute face!

  2. Maybe that could be a fun quarantine activity for you: to find and do some online drawing class.

    I think your drawings are glorious as is, of course, but YOU keep seeming unhappy with them. So.

    That golden doggie came out quite well, and I like seeing all its stages!

    I’m glad you liked that meme! I found it reassuring also.

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